Monday, November 21, 2011


Turpin, Pierre. Die Kunst der Künste, "Urpflanze.png." Last modified 6/03/2010. Accessed November 21, 2011.

Jackie Brand

Bat Skeleton

unknown, . Popular Science Monthly Volume 9, "File:PSM V09 D563 Skeleton of flying fox.jpg." Accessed November 21, 2011.

This is by Bri Ward
For my final project I will be comparing several different skeletons to compare the functionality of the forelimb in the different animals.

NBA Lockout Continues, Stars starve

Stevenson, Paul. Body Worlds Anatomy Exhibit, "Ausstellung Körperwelten." Accessed November 21, 2011.

History of Science. Yea, it's with the German department.

Modified Mink Skeleton Picture

Mariomassone, . "File:Minkskeleton.jpg." Last modified March 17, 2010. Accessed November 21, 2011.


Kyle is my name. Flying squirrels skulls cost $45 and this whole set is $195. I was able to prepare the same skeleton by skinning the squirrel and feeding his body to the bugs in the Natural Science Museum. Very cooooool.


The Winter Least Weasel (aka Ermine)

For my skeleton preparation I was told I was doing a Winter Least Weasel, and since mine had a black tipped tail, Prof Hinshaw told me it was specifically then an Ermine, which is adorable. Here I included a picture of a least weasel, so you can see what I was dealing with, and how cool and cute they are. My specific specimen was winter, so the coat is a gorgeous white. I will upload a picture once I find a suitable picture.

Law, Kevin. British Wildlife Centre, "File:Stoat at British Wildlife Centre.jpg." Last modified Aug 17, 2008. Accessed November 21, 2011.

Galvani, Luigi. "Wikimedia Commons." Last modified 08/16/2007. Accessed November 21, 2011.

Galvani, in an experiment designed to explore the response of animal tissue to electric charges, produces unexpected results

Winterhalder, Louis. "Wikimedia Commons." Last modified 1902. Accessed November 21, 2011.

Goethe's Color Wheel.

Goethe, Johann W. Goethe's Color Wheel. 1810. Goethe's Theory of Colors. Wikimedia Commons.

This is Goethe's color wheel, published in "Theory of Colors." Goethe believed that colors arose only at the edges between light and dark due to his observation of light through a prism, wherein colors are only visible when there is contrast between light and dark. What Goethe didn't realize is that the separation of light into colors from the prism is only visible at the edges of light and dark, and is not visible in a purely white area
even though it is occurring. The image above is Goethe's version of the color wheel. It is interesting to note that Goethe related different colors to different moods (such as "gut"--good--and "gemein"--mean) written on the inner half of the wheel.

Frog Anatomy

The anatomy of the frog can be seen here. For my final project, different parts of the frog will be electrically stimulated.
McIntosh, Jonathan. NMH, "File:Frog anatomy.JPG." Last modified 2004. Accessed November 21, 2011.