Friday, January 20, 2012


Anthropocene, the Age of Man, has cropped up as a significant term in today's society, more significantly so, as opposed to past history. Today in class, we discussed nature and the role we as humans play in influencing nature. It was interesting to see different views my classmates held towards nature and how we should go about living are lives in consideration of it.
Here is an article from National Geographic that delves into the history of human influence on earth, how to go about determining our influence, and also the history/meaning of Anthropocene.

Perhaps reading it will change some individuals' views on how greatly we've impacted the earth. As I've expressed today in class, I personally, feel it is our responsibility to take on the role of taking care of nature. Just as Goethe stated, humans must look towards nature with care, caution, respect, and awe.

When you look at how we've been able to sustain our species, nature is where we come from and allows us to live the life we live today. Nature is not here for us, we are here because of nature.
Our population is greater than it has ever been in history, and when the correlation between the growth of the human population is compared to, take for example, the earth's changing atmosphere and the population of other species, there is a noticeable affect that we've had. That may not be important to some,  but it's almost like a common courtesy... I like to think of it that way.
It would be nice if everyone could be courteous to the earth. As much as it provides for us, it shouldn't be that hard for us to spend a little more time doing things that, although may always not be comfortable as Austin had described, would help preserve nature and its beauty.

It's interesting how Anthropocene came about. Had our influence not become a problem or been significant, perhaps the word would not exist today.
Reading the article, it's also interesting to think of things from a future perspective. How would they look back in time and describe our impact on earth? I'd like to think that future historians can look back and say we made Goethe proud.


  1. After reading that article my viewpoint on how humans are affecting the Earth have changed. I previously thought that the way humans treat the Earth is not that big of a problem; however, now I believe it is, and change must happen. It was alarming to read how the carbon dioxide levels of the Earth are greatly increasing. I have been hearing for years about "global warming", and I hope that more and more people will take it seriously. It is a pressing matter. The effects of increased carbon dioxide might be gradual, but they are still present. Humans are going down a path they must change in order to make the Earth and its creatures last.

  2. Interesting read and you raise some good points. However, I don't necessarily agree with the idea that "it is our responsibility to take on the role of taking care of nature." This idea seems to equate the idea of "nature" with Earth, when in fact Earth makes up an incredibly insignificant portion of nature. Consider this: I don't think we should hinder humanity's progress out of an obligation to protect an insignificant planet that is inevitably doomed for destruction (when our Sun becomes a red giant). Note: this is not an attempt to justify global warming - what is best for humanity in most cases overlaps with what is best for the Earth.

    1. Great read and this only solidified my viewpoint that I brought up in class. I do in fact believe we have to be careful with what we do with science and how we protect nature. Ian I understand your view point, I really see where you're coming from, but the one part I disagree with is the "hinder humanity's progress" part. Yes, for now keeping science going and not being careful may cause more progress, but it could also lead to a point where there may be no room to progress anymore because too many mistakes were made. With a destroyed nature and a lack of natural resources, progress would no longer be a word we could even speak of. On the other hand if we preserve our natural world, we may not be able to progress as fast but we could SUSTAIN our progression. I guess if we're all doomed for destruction though than that doesn't matter though :). I just feel like the principle of continuing our science while accounting for the problems that science can create is the best way for us to live. Right now it might not seem like a huge issue but someday it will, but if changes aren't made before that time, it could be too late to solve the issues caused by our destroyed nature.
